
Good-looking , huh?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Guru Penjana Transformasi Pendidikan Negara

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah
Helo Hye

16 Mei ,hari istimewa buat insan yg bergelar pendidik ,pendidik anak bangsa

Jikalau aku berkesempatan menghargai mu guru ,pasti saja hari ini hari yg sesuai lagi bernas untuk aku mengucapkan terima kasih yang teramat terima kasih !

So ,on that day ,me and the other prefects had to come earlier to school to make the last preparation for sambutan hari guru , preparation for persembahan and know what ? im the emcee !!

There i am !

I cant deny that that's one of the most tired day ! All the prefects were like very clumsy !!We cant even take the breath properly and im always sweating until at the moment i feel I AM SMELLY , when im already
home ,my sister said ,Iqah , ko masam lah ..haha ,thanks sis !

Bunga Sirih untuk Guru

Guru adalah Ibu pengasuh budiman
guru adalah ratu lebah
lalu memujuk membelai kelopak
cinta kasih sayang
lilinnya berbunga sinar cahaya
madunya berbunga penawar jiwa.

Guru adalah penyu pengasih
lalu menabur bunga telur
baktinya segar mewangi
sepanjang pantal zaman.

Guru adalah lampu penyuluh
pedoman kehidupan
guru adalah pendakwah
lalu mengikut jejak Nabi Muhammad
memimpin insan
ke jalan lurus ke padang luas.

Bunga sirih bunga pirtang
terima kasih terima savang
budi bicara guru berjasa
kami sanjung tinggi.

J.M. Aziz
Rumah Puisi
Seberang Takir
Kuala Terengganu


And what i want to say is just an appreciation that may be something very deep i think..
TEACHER,CIKGU, USTAZAH ,Terima Kasih ,Thank You, I Love You , and pls dun give up on teaching us and showing us the right way..and we really need you to make us someone that will be useful to the community :)
and Insyaallah ,I will always remember you in my pray :)

Remember ,cikgu ,everything that starts with good intention , Insyaallah Allah will make the way easier to go and pass through ...
Our lovely teachers in RPS ! *some were not here*
 So ,the prefects organised a persembahan and we thought of sketsa and what can I see is some movies or dramas are famous for its line as example Hantu Kak Limah Balik Kampung ,if u dunno the lines in that movie you are ketinggalan zaman ! hahah ! and just as our sketsa ,i just knew about this word : GIPANG a.k.a GILA PANGKAT ,hahah ,in that sketsa ,Im a Guru Disiplin and I mostly nagged and berdebat with the students ,i mean BAD STUDENTS , Hasma , Fatin Liyana , Kai Wan , Nurin ,Fira and the nerdy duck ,Qistina and everyone was laughing and i thought what ? is it funny ! but i,ve to keep my face garang !! huhu !!

Nerdy-duck , Qistina

*Puan Faie* rotate pleaseee..
Qistina's mother artwork
Azleen is pura2 helping Qistina ,aww,kejamnye!

and Qistina felt down !

and im in membebel mood ! *PUAN FAIE*
Potong kek time !

Whatever is it , Jasamu GURU lebih besar dan lebih banyak PELUH !!

Guru disiplin,
Puan Faie

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