
Good-looking , huh?

Saturday, February 25, 2012

“When will we ever relax?”

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah
Hello Hye

I am lacked of idea, really doesn't know what to update, what to post.. Actually I have some but I can't think of it. My gooey fleshy brain is filled with homeworks. Just imagine, 2 weeks ago, we had exam and 2 weeks to go also we have exam. But I always remind myself that SETIAP KEJAYAAN MEMERLUKAN PENGORBANAN. That's what ayah always said to me.

Aku tahu semua orang penat dan kita mesti akan tertanya-tanya kan bila masanya kita takkan penat. Yelah..Waktu darjah 6 UPSR, struggleeee for 5A's, Form 3 pulak PMR, aimingggg for 8A's, Form 5 SPM, strivinggggg for excellence result. Universiti graddddd dengan cemerlang. Kerja nak jadi pekerja cemerlanggggg. Kahwin nak jadi isteri solehahhhh, ibu yang baikkkk.  Lupa nak sebut, sentiasa nak jadi anak yang solehah! Ate, bila masa nak rehatnya??

“When will we ever relax?” 

“When we enter Jannah inshaAllah”.


5 love(s) me:

Maicher said... [Reply to comment]

kejar dunia, kejar akhirat.
insya Allah. semoga dipermudah segalanya.


Faiqah Umaira said... [Reply to comment]

@Maicher: jika tujuan hanya kerana Allah, pasti segalanya mudah!

yui said... [Reply to comment]

rehat sebentar bersama kit kat


umairah safiyyah said... [Reply to comment]


insya'Allah moga dapat kejar apa yang di impikan. :)

p/s:waa kebetulannyaa. kan. nama dah sama tapi sayang umur kite tak sama la. hehe i'm 20 :)

Faiqah Umaira said... [Reply to comment]

@Hikaru Yui : kit kat tak kenyang , hikhik

@umairah safiyyah : woah we are 5 years apart!


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